瓯北镇地处楠溪江与瓯江交汇处,是瓯江北岸与温州市中央地舆间隔最短的集镇,是瓯江北岸的交通中央。瓯北镇不管从人口、建成区面积、出产总值都是永嘉县的第一年夜镇,持续四年列浙江省百强州里前30位,温州市三十强前10位,是温州市六个现代化设置装备摆设树模镇之一。瓯北镇优胜的地舆位置吸引了多量工业企业的投资者以及房地产开发商,水情况掩护已经是当务之急。该污水处置惩罚厂实行后瓯北镇江北片区域年夜部门污水都能经二级处置惩罚后排入瓯江,可年夜年夜削减对于瓯江水域的污染。 7、工程预备或者进展环境: 该工程工可已经体例完成。选址已经落实。环评拟听证。 8、工程设置装备摆设范围以及内容: 瓯北污水处置惩罚厂占地面积6.4公顷,所在位在瓯北镇江北片,项目分二期实行:一期范围5万吨/日,二期10万吨/日。 9、财政评价: 估算投资1.5亿元,此中一期估算8368万元。虽然该工程其实不间接孕育发生经济效益,但该工程投产后对于沿岸地价增值,促成游览业成长,掩护城镇住民的身体康健,意思庞大。 10、互助体式格局以及内容:合资、互助或者独资开发 11、工程方�ױ�app可提供的互助前提: 工程打点征地政策处置惩罚有关手续由瓯北镇当局卖力,可思量适量出让地块开发以求经济均衡。 12、工程接洽体式格局: 接洽单元:永嘉县成长以及鼎新局 联 系 人:王柏青 张云兴 电 话:0577-67222528 67226027 传 真:0577-67226027 邮政编码:325100 1. Project No: 45 2. Location: Yongjia County 3. Name: BOT Investment Invitation of Yongjia Oubei Sewage Treatment Plant 4. Category: Environmental Protection 5. Nature: New 6. Background and Construction Condition: Oubei Town, lying in the joining point of the Nanxijiang River and the Oujiang River, is the nearest town to Wenzhou city center and also the transportation center on the north bank of the Oujiang River. Oubei Town is the biggest town in Yongjia County in terms of population, area and total output value, which has ranked top 30 among Zhejiang a hundred strong towns and top 10 among Wenzhou 30 strong towns for four years and is one of the six modernization construction model towns in Wenzhou. The excellent location of Oubei Town attracts the attention of a large number of investors and real estate developers, thus the protection of water environment is the top priority task. After the implementing of the project, the sewage in Jiangbei Section of Oubei Town can be discharged into the Oujiang River after secondary treatment, which will greatly reduce the pollution of the Oujiang River. 7. Progress of the Preparatory Work: The plan of the project and the select of the site are completed, and the environment co妹妹ent is to be evaluated. 8. Construction Scale and Target: Oubei Sewage Treatment Plant is located at Jiangbei Section of Oubei Town with a ground area of 6.4 hectare (ha). This project is divided into two phases: the 1st-phase project is designed to be 50 thousand TPD and the 2nd-phase project is 100 thousand TPD. 9. Financial Estimation: Total Investment amounts to some ¥150 million yuan with ¥83.68 million yuan in the 1st- phase project. Although this project doesn’t produce economic benefits directly, after its implementation it has a great significance in increasing the value of the land along the bank, promoting the development of tourism and improving the health of the town dwellers. 10 . Investment Form and Content: Joint Venture, cooperation or sole proprietorship 11. Conditions provided by the Project Sponsor: The government is responsible for the project formalities and the land-requisition policy. The transfer of land exploration can be taken into consideration to keep a balance in economy. 12. Sponsor Unit: Yongjia County Development and Reform Bureau Persons to Contact: Wang Baiqing Zhang Yunxing Tel:0577-67222528 67226027 Fax:0577-67226027 Postcode: 325100