乐清市市区污水处置惩罚项目是晋升都会档次、净化糊口情况的根蒂根基举措措施,项目的设置装备摆设对于在促成乐清经济、情况协调成长,加速都会化进程具备十分主要的意思。项目办事规模包孕成功镇于内的十个城镇,远期城区人口85万,办事区面积83.8平方千米,估计近期产污量14.14万立方米/天,远期44万立方米/天。 7、工程预备或者进展环境: 已经完成开端设计、污水处置惩罚厂征地事情,完成9千米污水总干管的埋设。 8、工程设置装备摆设范围以及内容: 该项目设计范围为16万吨/日,一期先实行4万吨/日污水处置惩罚厂(1.15亿元)、43千米污水运送总干管道(1.6亿元)、7座运送泵站(0.53亿元);污水处置惩罚厂部门土建按16万吨/日设计以及实行。 9、财政评价:一期项目总投资3.3亿元,投资收受接管期12年。 10、互助体式格局以及内容:合资或者独资 11、工程方可提供的互助前提: 《乐清市市区污水处置惩罚项目开端设计》等。 12、工程接洽体式格局: 接洽单元:乐清市市政园林局 接洽地址:乐清市成功镇设置装备摆设�ױ�app中路9号 联 系 人:杨晓东 电 话:0577-62523726 传 真:0577-62522135 邮 编:325600 电子邮箱:majf@mail.wzptt.zj.cn 1. Project No: 43 2. Location: Yueqing City 3. Name: Yueqing Urban Sewage Treatment Plant 4. Category: Environmental Protection 5. Nature: New 6. Background and Construction Condition: Yueqing Urban Sewage Treatment Plant is an infrastructure project for purifying living environment and upgrading the city. The construction of the project is of great significance to the promotion of economic growth, coordinated development of environment and acceleration of urbanization of the city. The project, covering ten towns (inclusive of Yuecheng Town) with an area of 83.8 sq.km and the urban population of 850 thousand, is estimated to have a capacity of 141.4 thousand m3 /d at the early stage and a capacity of 440 thousand m3 /d at the later stage. 7. Progress of the Preparatory Work: Land requisition and preliminary designing are completed. The main pipe of 9 km has been laid. 8. Construction Scale and Target: The capacity of the project is designed to be 160 thousand TPD. The 1st phase is composed of a 40-thousand-TPD sewage treatment plant (115 million yuan), a trunk conveying pipeline of 43 km (160 million yuan) and 7 conveying pump station (53 million yuan). Part of the land construction will be designed by the scale of 160 thousand TPD. 9. Financial Estimation: The total investment of the 1st phase is 330 million yuan and the period for investment recovery is 12 years. 10. Cooperation Form and Content: Joint venture or sole proprietorship 11. Conditions Provided by the Project Sponsor: Preliminary Design of Yueqing Urban Sewage Treatment Project, etc. 12. Sponsor Unit: Yueqing Municipal Gardening Bureau Add: 9 Jianshe Central Rd., Yuecheng Town, Yueqing City Person to Contact Yang Xiaodong Tel:0577-62523726 Fax: 0577-62522135 Postcode: 325600 E-mail: majf@mail.wzptt.zj.cn